You don’t need to believe in magic, you are magic, you need to believe in yourself.

Solar Spirit Tarot

About Me

I’ve been reading tarot cards since 2018, though I got my first deck when I was around 8 years old! I’m passionate about Numerology and Astrology too, so I like to fuse my knowledge of those subjects with my knowledge of the tarot in order to give the readings more depth. I’m based in Barcelona, Spain but offer readings online via video call or I can send you a video recording.

Why get a reading?

Tarot readings are a great way to strengthen your intuition. I see them as being therapeutic. They allow us to become more aware of our subconscious thoughts, many of us block our own blessings by clinging on to beliefs that are not positively serving us, the tarot can highlight these and guide us on the best way to let them go and move on, returning to our truest selves.

How does it work?

You can have a general reading, select a theme (usually love, money, work or health), or ask spirit a more specific question. Scroll down for info on how to book your reading now!

It’s when we are in the dark that we usually look for the light.

Solar Spirit Tarot